Help the Pack

The Pack helps the Scout Grow; Scouts make the Pack Go.

Our Pack thrives on the support and participation of the Scouts and their Families. There are plenty of ways to help big and small and can fit any schedule. We value the diverse and interesting skills and talents of the scouts and their families.

The Leadership is all volunteer and our fundraising through popcorn sales helps make sure we can provide all of the activities and events for the scouts.

How You Can Help

  • Be active in your Den; support your Den Leader

  • Volunteer at Pack events

  • Coordinate events

  • Volunteer as a Leader

  • Volunteer for Pack Level positions

Currently Needed

  • Communications Chair - Help get messages to the pack and publicize our adventures in the South Riding magazine

  • Pack Historian - Take and collect den and pack pictures and create a video montage for the Blue & Gold Banquet